Cell Matrix's Relationship to Nanotechnology

There is a relationship between the Cell Matrix architecture and nanotechnology. Here we use the time-honored method for making a relationship simpler to understand, a metaphor:
Let's say that you were planning to build a chair from scratch. First you would need your design for the chair you want to build. Then you would need the raw materials that you wanted to use: wood, glue, hardware, tools, etc. The last major component is the construction method, or the series of steps you intend to take to build the chair.
The Cell Matrix architecture is the design for the chair, and Cell Matrix hardware is the chair that you build. Nanotechnology is the construction method. As for materials and tools, you would use whatever combination is convenient, and there are many potential methods currently under development that might work: chemistry of specific molecules, carbon nanotubes, a micromechanical assembly tool, a scanning tunnelling microscope, etc.
This is not a perfect analogy. Where it fails is that once you create the Cell Matrix, you are not finished, because it still needs to be programmed through software. A better metaphor at this point in the description is that you wish to make a loaf of bread, and the Cell Matrix hardware is the raw dough that you shape and bake. The dough itself is not the end product, but it is less of a raw material than the separate materials you started with, and closer to the end result. To translate to the jargon, nanotechnology allows you to take carbon or other simple molecules and materials and turn them into a convenient electronic and physical structure, a Cell Matrix. You can then program (bake) that structure so that it can be a miniature replacement for an existing electronic component.
a more technical explanation of the relationship