Ring Around the PIG: A Parallel GA with Only Local Interactions Coupled with a Self-Reconfigurable Hardware Platform to Implement an O(1) Evolutionary Cycle for Evolvable Hardware
Nicholas J. Macias
From Proceedings of the 1999 Congress on Evolutionary Computation Copyright © 1999 IEEE
Abstract. The use of GAs in evolvable hardware is re-viewed. A case is made for implementing as much of the GA in hardware as possible. The technical difficulties of using a standard GA with an FPGA are described. A new type of GA called a Ringed GA, which features only local interactions among individuals, is introduced. A new type of reconfigurable platform called the PIG is described. The use of the PIG to support local, parallel GA operations is explained. Experiments in evolving digital circuits using a ringed GA on the PIG are described. Conclusions and plans for future work are presented.